Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NP on national TV for Stand up to Cancer

This isn't political per se - but I saw this video on another blog http://npview.blogspot.com/
and then went to you Tube and found the video clip - the video is of Dana Delaney getting a breast exam - yes on National TV - BY AN NP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great promo for us.


NP on the radio for Obama

As much as I love that Obama's campaign seems to know about Nurse Practitioners - once again it seems NPs and Planned Parenthood are identified with abortion. First Planned Parenthood does so much more than abortions - why is this the only topic they seem willing to be connected with - and second - we finally get an NP in national politics and her topic is abortion - in my opinion this is the last thing we (NPS) need. We need for people to know about US and ALL that we do - not this one procedure that so few of us do. So this is truly a double edged sword for us. Here are links to the transcript of the ad and a link so you can listen if you like.

this is a blog with the transcript and someone who feels this was good for NPs


If you prefer to hear the radio spot - here is the link I found.


Saturday Night Live

This was just too funny not to post - the skit with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy as Hilary is an absolute classic SNL - no matter which ticket you are supporting for the presidency this is laugh outloud funny.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Continuing with women in the health policy news

I want to be fair and put up the video link for the Republicans. I choose the link for Sarah Palin's presentation since I used Hilary from the Democrats it seemed good to look at the woman for the other party.
It really is an historic time for women in politics.