Tuesday, September 16, 2008

NP on national TV for Stand up to Cancer

This isn't political per se - but I saw this video on another blog http://npview.blogspot.com/
and then went to you Tube and found the video clip - the video is of Dana Delaney getting a breast exam - yes on National TV - BY AN NP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great promo for us.


NP on the radio for Obama

As much as I love that Obama's campaign seems to know about Nurse Practitioners - once again it seems NPs and Planned Parenthood are identified with abortion. First Planned Parenthood does so much more than abortions - why is this the only topic they seem willing to be connected with - and second - we finally get an NP in national politics and her topic is abortion - in my opinion this is the last thing we (NPS) need. We need for people to know about US and ALL that we do - not this one procedure that so few of us do. So this is truly a double edged sword for us. Here are links to the transcript of the ad and a link so you can listen if you like.

this is a blog with the transcript and someone who feels this was good for NPs


If you prefer to hear the radio spot - here is the link I found.


Saturday Night Live

This was just too funny not to post - the skit with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy as Hilary is an absolute classic SNL - no matter which ticket you are supporting for the presidency this is laugh outloud funny.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Continuing with women in the health policy news

I want to be fair and put up the video link for the Republicans. I choose the link for Sarah Palin's presentation since I used Hilary from the Democrats it seemed good to look at the woman for the other party.
It really is an historic time for women in politics.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wow, what an exciting time for politics and health policy - Hilliary's speech at the Democratic convention was worth listening to and here is a link for it.

Whether one is a Democrat, Republican, or Independent there is alot of energy around the conventions. As soon as they are over I am hoping that both candidates start to get more specific about their health care plans and not just "it needs to change". We all know that!! duh - we need to here what that change means.


"I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision." Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer update

This is the beginning of my blog on Health Policy for NPs.

During this past summer I have had the opportunity to speak with many legislators to discuss what NPs are and how we can help solve the healthcare crisis in Arizona. Many of the legislators and their staff had some understanding of NPs although I did have to spend a fair amount of time explaining more about NPs in comparison to other providers.

None of the legislators were aware of the issues for NPs and their patients related to empaneling or the inequality in pay. All were willing to read over my white paper that demonstrated equivalent outcomes compared to physicians. Several people actually asked me for one or two of the articles so they could look at the evidence. I was thrilled by those that were willing to check out the evidence.
